You’re driving your beloved JNC, and through the sea of blob-shaped crossovers you see a familiar shape. Low to the ground with simple lines, thin pillars and an expansive greenhouse, could it be? You get a little closer. Sealed-beam headlights and an hint of chrome trim. It’s a fellow traveler in Nihon steel.
Do you wave at other JNC drivers?
The most entertaining comment by next Monday will receive a prize. Scroll down to see the winner of last week’s QotW, “What’s the worst thing you’ve spilled in your JNC?”
There was a rather high ratio of excellent comments this week. Unfortunately, you have spilled some truly disgusting things in your cars. Tj‘s tale of a sick dog had us chuckling (sorry), Ben E‘s woes are an important warning for anyone with a JNC in storage this cold winter (go check your car right now!), Greggory Rogers‘ spillage of cow brains we would not wish on our worst enemies. But marc made us grin the most with a feeling we can all understand when driving our beloved cars.
Omedetou! Your comment has earned you a set of decals from the JNC Shop.
These days, anything with chrome bumpers gets the nod from me….and the beauty of it is, it is always returned with that “Ain’t it good to belong…” smile!
yes and it’s always some very confused old lady
I give thumbs up to any driver rocking an old vehicle. Even the gardeners rocking a Hilux with a rusted door panel.
Absolutely… always great to see vintage iron on the road…
Own a Eunos Roadster, so it’s obligatory. Quick raise of the pop-ups is the way to do it!
Precisely! This is also the proper technique for AW11s.
As with any nice, old car I see, I wave or give a thumbs up.
Yes, I do wave, I also give a big smile and a thumbs up and a shout “NICE JDM!” or “NICE CAR!”. One once Occasion it was “NICE EVO!” and another one was “NICE SUKAIRAIN!” With the way I dress, many a Canadian JDM owner probably went home or to a friend’s place or the pub and said something to the like of “A Jehovah’s witness said my car was nice.” Because I, even though I’m 18 and this isn’t 1956 dress in a shirt, tie and fedora typically.
The coolest, it’s equaled at a traffic light with a man who has the same car(JNC) as you have and tell him: You have a cool car dude!
Sometimes, I hate feeling like a dick when I get blown off, bloody rotor guys lol
Rarely do I see a old school JDM, but when I do, I give chase and when the driver see me I wave like a mad man, and give a big thumbs up. Some times they smile back, but at one time I think I freaked a Toyota Corona owner out and though I was trying to run an off the road or some
My ’79 RX7 was special then my ’87 RX7 was special and now my ’94 Miata is special. My 323 and 626 no so much.