Tag Archives: 610

EVENTS: 2015 Japanese Classic Car Show, Part 04 — Workhorses

This year’s JCCS had a higher turnout, truck-wise, than any other in recent memory. Former workhorses that managed to survive — or evade — decades of hard labor showed up en masse on Queen Mary lawn to enjoy their new status as classics. 

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EVENTS: Japanese Classic Car Show, Part 01 – It’s JDM, yo

As it embarks on its second decade, the 2015 Japanese Classic Car Show has become a must-attend event, not just for J-tin owners or readers of this fine site, but car enthusiasts everywhere. Nowhere in America will you see a wider array of cars … Continue reading

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JCCS Preview: Nissan’s Zama cars arrive in California

Man, those guys at Nissan really know how to cut it close. Here are two cars they shipped over from the Zama warehouse in Japan for this Saturday’s JCCS, and they just arrived today. 

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JCCS Preview: Nissan is now an official JCCS sponsor

For the first time since the Japanese Classic Car Show’s inception, Nissan is finally an official sponsor. This Saturday will mark the 11th annual JCCS, and in the decade we at JNC have been setting up our little red canopy, we’ve heard … Continue reading

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EVENTS: 2015 Nissan Jam, Part 01

Though only in its third year, Nissan Jam has become a regular on the nostalgic car show calendar. For 2015, the show moved from its former home to a new location, West Covina Nissan. The larger space allowed for more cars than before, as well … Continue reading

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EVENTS: 2015 NISMO Fiesta

In its fifth year, NISMO Fiesta has become the premiere event for Nissan nuts of Texas. With a new venue in the capital of Austin, the Nissan devoted came from all over the Lone Star State, with a few traveling from as … Continue reading

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EVENTS: Petersen Museum Japanese Car Cruise-In

There are many things to hate about Los Angeles, but its car culture isn’t one of them. As the trendsetting capital of the custom automobile, it holds the motorcar in such high regard that there’s a shrine to it located smack … Continue reading

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EVENTS: 2015 New Year Meeting, Part 04 — Shakotan Sleds

The previous installment of our New Year Meeting coverage focused on originality. In Part 04, we travel to the opposite end of the spectrum. But among all of Japan’s customization styles, shakotan is perhaps the most appealing to JNCers. Translated as simply “low,” shakotan cars are … Continue reading

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EVENTS: Pacifico

Pacifico is the first show in southern California by Historic J, who have put on events like the Bayline Gathering, Vintage Auto Salon, and Shokuji J-Tin in the San Francisco area. If the show’s name sounds familiar, you might be thinking of … Continue reading

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EVENTS: 2014 Japanese Classic Car Show, Part 06 — Trucks, Vans, and Wagons

The latest installment of our massive 2014 Japanese Classic Car Show coverage takes a look at the haulers of the J-tin world, whether they be carrying cargo, kids, or chicken tax exemptions. It’s the trucks, vans and wagons of JCCS.

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EVENTS: 2014 Japanese Classic Car Show, Part 04 — Modified Machines

This year the Japanese Classic Car Show began screening entrants. A JNC editorial on the development generated heated debate, with many assuming that the Queen Mary lawn would be filled with identical, bone stock examples that all looked the same. Turns out, … Continue reading

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EVENTS: Nissan Jam, Part 03

In our third and final installment of the 2014 Nissan Jam, we take a look at the JDM (and JDM-style) cars that populated the show. In the comments of Part 02 NX Coupe Driver asked “Where are all the Nissan Skylines?” Well, right … Continue reading

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Happy 610 Day from JNC

On this day, our day of 610s.

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CLASSIC CM: Everything about the 610 Bluebird-U is just sex, sex, sex

What a difference two generations make. 1966 commercials for Nissan’s Bluebird, then of the 410 generation, capitalized on the car’s motorsports prowess at the Safari Rally. The 510‘s adverts were pretty tame as well, just a rundown of its design and … Continue reading

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EVENTS: 2013 Japanese Classic Car Show, Part 02 – Diversity

The sheer size of this year’s Japanese Classic Car Show was unprecedented. Organizers Koji and Terry Yamaguchi told us that registration filled up in just a matter of weeks and that there were over 100 people on the waiting list, … Continue reading

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EVENTS: Vintage Auto Salon, Part 03 – Bayline Cruisers

For the third and final installment of our Vintage Auto Salon coverage, we take a look at cars that aren’t necessarily the rarest or the sportiest. Instead, this motley crew is comprised of bone stock survivors, tough trucks, and wicked … Continue reading

Posted in events, honda, mazda, mitsubishi, nissan, toyota | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 18 Comments

EVENTS: 2013 Nissan Jam, Part 02 — Rare Gems

One of our proudest accomplishments for the inaugural Nissan Jam was the ability to gather a truly diverse set of rare Nissans that you can’t see anywhere else. In Part 01 we looked at the SoCal Standards, stalwart machines that … Continue reading

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EVENTS: Shokuji J-Tin, Part 01 – Wangan Style

Last year a fantastic new show called the Bayline Gathering emerged on the NorCal scene. It brought out some of the best cars the region had to offer and filled a void that desperately needed filling. Last month, the organizers were … Continue reading

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MOTORSPORT: The Reincarnation of Lady Blue

Anyone who grew up drooling over the Datsun Motorsports catalog knows the original Lady Blue. Going along with the topic of resurrection this week, it appears that she’s been reincarnated and the azure 1973 Datsun 610 spotted last Sunday. 

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EVENTS: 2012 Japanese Classic Car Show, Part 06: Wagons & Hatchbacks

It’s no secret that many of us on the JNC team are certifiably nutty about wagons, yours truly included (There are a couple that aren’t, and they look at us as if we’re the weird ones when it’s clearly the … Continue reading

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