Rumor: Nissan May Bring Datsun Back

Rumors are circulating that Nissan will be bringing back the Datsun brand. Unfortunately, it would be for low-cost models in emerging markets that are expected to ring in at $5000 or less. The news is being reported by the Nikkei but remains unconfirmed as of now. It wouldn’t be the first time a move like this has been rumored.

[via TTAC]

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10 Responses to Rumor: Nissan May Bring Datsun Back

  1. Hmm. think it’s ok to make a cheap sub-brand but i think it’s kinda wrong to give it the same badge as some old iconic cars who are apprecciated and sought after by collectors and classic lovers around the world..

    • E-AT_me says:

      uhh.. when introduced, “Datsuns” were cheap cars.. compared to what was on the market… what would be cool is if it where like a “scion” type brand..

      • cesariojpn says:

        They should call the line “Prince” then.

      • Dima says:

        Agree. Cheap not always means bad or low quality. Today most cars are expensive because of things which in the past were luxury and not neccesery. AT, air conditioning, airbags etc., make comfort but lift price.

  2. seventhskyline says:

    Funnily enough the D22 pickup was marketed under the Datsun name in the early noughties.

  3. Rob says:

    I love the idea of a FT-86 fighter, as long as it’s still called the 510!

    dreaming….but it’s a good dream

  4. Aaron says:

    So is this based off the article by Ben back in April that turned out to be a april fools joke? and now it’s being recirculated as truth? Can you do another April fools joke in July?

  5. Tyler says:

    What a nightmare for internet searches. Just call it something different.

    Just like VW “bringing back” the Rabbit. It makes CL searches impossible.

  6. TyFc3s says:

    if they build a z would it be lightweight like the datsun zs were, or heavy like when they made the nissan move….

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