Welcome to the New JapaneseNostalgicCar.com!

Welcome to the brand new JapaneseNostalgicCar.com! It’s a new year and a website redesign is something the JNC team has been wanting to do for a long time. The goal was to get the look of site in line with the look of JNC magazine and update the back end with modern software.

Our next step is to update the forum and the shop, which will be much easier to use and contain many new treasures. Like any project, there will be a few errant gaps to close and bolts to torque, so please bear with us in the coming weeks. We hope you like the new site, and if you have suggestions or see any missing nuts, be sure to let us know!

This post is filed under: jnc.

18 Responses to Welcome to the New JapaneseNostalgicCar.com!

  1. Kevin Lee says:

    Looking good, can you do a nice long wind screen transparent sticker with the new logo? hehe

  2. NGarage says:

    wow JNC blog new look πŸ˜€

  3. Benson Lau says:

    Loving the new look πŸ™‚

  4. Nigel says:

    Surprise !
    Look’s really cool guys.

  5. inZane240 says:

    Very easy on the eyes!

  6. Drive510 says:

    It’s has been a long time in the works. I first received news of this at JCCS 2010 and kept wondering when it would roll out. Lookin good.

  7. Mario W. says:

    Looks good so far! Foward progression is a good thing; even for us old tin lovers πŸ™‚

  8. sexy hammer says:

    the banner at the top of the forums directs to a page that no longer exists.

  9. admin says:

    Thanks, SH!

  10. Tyler says:

    Looks good. I have a few humble suggestions, if I may.

    -The Debonair looks out of place. A more exciting photo on a black background would fit better.

    -The HOME ABOUT EVENTS etc links would look better as small images instead of text, because the sharp text and the softer header seem to clash

    -Finally, needs moar color. The mag is ablaze with bright red and white. Why not the site?

    That said, I like the layout- it’s a lot easier to use and looks much cleaner!

  11. 80celica says:

    Very cool!! I liked it so much I subscribed to the mag!!! Keep it up guys!

  12. jun says:

    lovin’ it~

  13. Jyap says:

    Looks great! awesome

  14. Ben says:

    Thanks for all the feedback, everyone! Especially 80celica! πŸ™‚

  15. Matt says:

    Getting use to the new sight, small suggestion, could you make the pictures on the home page link to the “continue reading” link? As it is, clicking on the pics from the home page takes you to the photos page, it would be a lot more intuitive to have them direct instead to the blog postings individual page.

    Keep up the great work!

  16. Mo says:

    Cool mag! come visit us in Pomona, California – home of hot rods, nostalgic drag racing and American Motorsports – Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum

  17. Ben says:

    A mobile optimised version of your website would be great…

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