VIDEO: Hot Wheels designer Jun Imai details the Datsun Fairlady 2000

The Nissan Fairlady 2000 is one of the most anticipated cars of the 2017 Hot Wheels lineup, and it’s easy to see why. Dedicated collectors will easily spot the signature touches of designer Jun Imai, who has transformed it into a bumperless, hard-topped race-ready version that would look right at home tearing through Fuji Speedway circa 1967. Watch Jun explain his inspiration in a Hot Wheels official video. 

The video appears to be part of a new series on Hot Wheels’ YouTube channel, in which various designers talk about the cars they created. The Fairlady 2000 should be out in stores now. Our friend and occasional European JNC contributor Ronan Glon of Ran When Parked has even spotted one in Moscow!

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10 Responses to VIDEO: Hot Wheels designer Jun Imai details the Datsun Fairlady 2000

  1. XRaider says:

    I have that recently on the first thursday on this year(2017)

  2. dcoultis says:

    Its been available in Canada for over a month, I bought mine at the beginning of December.

  3. Victor says:

    Yeah buddy i got 2 of them this past week, one to have in package and one to open, there pretty rare. Ive open 5 boxes at target and only seen 2, thanks jun & japanese nostalgic car for helping bring these amazing cars into production in the hot wheels mainline.

  4. Banpei says:

    I’m really sorry to say, but I transformed three of those into Christmas tree ornaments.

    They were available here in the Netherlands from shortly before Christmas, and stock seemed to be plenty. If I would have known they were that special, I would have taken different ones.

  5. Cho says:

    More please. Can I suggest A old school Celica Liftbacks. Even some from the 80’s Conquest Tsi,Nissan NX2000, so many more. Maybe another line call JNC with your logo?

  6. Nigel says:

    Got this one…now I have a Nismo festival on my bench at home !

  7. Mike says:

    Have to say that this car started my collection of Hot Wheels.
    I’ve seen 3 or 4 such cars today in a mall in St. Petersburg, Russia.
    Bought about 10 cars in a week. CRX, Miata and a couple of Honda Monkeys.
    Still looking for 240z.

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