RX-3 Redux?

rx3redux.jpgRumors (very, very iffy ones) are swirling in the ether about a Mazda RX-3 revival. Discovered on Ben Kraal‘s blog, Here’s a hideous Photoshop speculation of what such a car might not look like at all. If the platform idea is true, this may be Mazda’s attempt to do battle with the rumored Toyota-Subaru and Nissan lightweight RWD cars. We can only hope that this will spark a touge-drift revival in the next decade. It’s like the 80s all over again, without the frizzed bangs and legwarmers.

[New Now Know How]

This post is filed under: mazda.

1 Response to RX-3 Redux?

  1. Tony says:

    I hate to be a nitpicker, but this is kinda old news. Like, 2 years old.

    That being said, it would be interesting to see Mazda bring a rotary RX-3 to the lightweight coupe party. Hardly likely though, as I can see it cannibalising MX-5/Miata sales quite badly.

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