NY Auto Show: All generations of GT-R, a preview


In about an an hour, Nissan will unveil the 2017 GT-R at the New York Auto Show. Here’s an exclusive preview from the setup day yesterday. Some of these cars came from Nissan’s Zama collection, and are the first time they have been shown in the US. 



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6 Responses to NY Auto Show: All generations of GT-R, a preview

  1. Scotty G says:

    Oh man, I would love to see those cars in person! Thanks for the coverage of this event! And, please keep the photos coming.

  2. Nigel says:

    They got the R’s out !!

  3. Martin says:

    Why has the last GT-R still a German numberplate on it? Also it’s a red one, starting with a 06, so it`s given to testing or delivery purposes. It’s also registered in Bonn. Why Bonn? AFAIK is nothing important of Nissan located there. A lot to think About……

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