A Japanese couple recently went viral on social media for having a Nissan Silvia S14 displayed at their wedding. The car in the photo above isn’t just any S14, though. The groom’s beloved Silvia proved impossible to get into the venue. So a life-size scale replica of the car, light enough to be carried through a doorway, was built instead.
The groom, Mr Mukaiyama, had a bit of help in recreating his car when he realized the wedding venue was too narrow to drive a real car into. His father is a wire artist known as Goman. Typically his works consist of wire-frame animals, but for his son’s wedding he used his skills to build a 1:1 scale replica of the S14.
The replica was sculpted from styrofoam blocks over a frame. The entire body and all four wheels were carved from styrofoam, but the headlights, taillights, and other transparent parts were made from acrylic. It took four months to build, and it was even painted in the same shade of green as Mukaiyama’s real car.
Mukaiyama received many comments about the model’s realism from guests. However, the replica is more similar to the real car in more ways than one. Mukaiyama’s social media profile shows him drifting the S14 on touge roads, and after one mishap in 2020 that tweaked the rear end, he chopped off everything after the C-pillars and fabbed up a bespoke tube-frame chassis for the rear. It’s unknown what he’s done with the replica after the wedding, but it would definitely make a one-of-a-kind decoration on the wall or ceiling of his garage.
He can rent it out for superhero movies … have the hero lift it up to show strength!