This video comes courtesy of via Retro-Classics. It’s from the heyday of the Fuji touring car championships and is unique in that the narration is in English! No more picking handfuls of syllables out of rapid-fire Japanese commentary that might as well be an auctioneer having an argument with the announcer at the Kentucky Derby.
This was likely a bit of Mazda propaganda from back in the day but we get to see all the Mazdafarian greats — Yojiro Terada, Yoshimi Katayama, and Takashi Yorino. It’s really an all-out battle between the rotaries and the hakosuka Skyline GT-Rs. Plus, we’ve got roaring J-tin and women in hip-hugging bell-bottoms. Part two after the jump.
Awesome, I’ma DL and stream to the big screen 🙂
Awesome video of swarms of vintage rotaries running down Fuji Speedway! BTW I think you meant October in the title ;p
Awesome video! Anyone know where it came from?
I’ve been looking for old footage of the 70s Mazda vs Nissan races, a nice change to see RX-2s in action from RX-3s.
boyee – Uh, it was test? 😛