We’re here in Las Vegas for the SEMA Show, trying to spread the word about JNC. There are so many magazines out here, but we’re the only one devoted to old school Japanese cars! So far the response is pretty good, but unfortunately J-tin at the biggest automotive show on Earth is still few and far in between. We’ve spotted a few goodies that will be posted on later though.
In the meantime, here’s a picture of us holding court with the Drift King, Keiichi Tsuchiya! This is probably not often said about Tsuchiya-san because he’s always in a racing suit, but this man is a sharp dresser. We gave him some copies of JNC and he seemed surprised when he saw the coverage of the New Year Meeting, like he had never heard of it before. Maybe something was lost in translation. It was an honor to meet him, and we hope he likes the magazine!
We also saw Kazunori Yamauchi, creator of the Gran Turismo series, walk by but didn’t get a chance to meet him. 🙁
In the future will those shirts be available in the store??
Haha! I designed that magazine! So weird knowing that it’s being seen by thousands of people at the SEMA motor show, and is in thousands of owners hands. It’s difficult to think about it as anything special, ’cause it’s in the US and I’m down here. Still, cool feeling nonetheless.
DORI-DORI! I miss the D1GP series here in the States… Cool beans on meeting, Dori-Dori. I met Daijoro Inada once… now that’s a guy who would appreciate old J-Tin! Cool pix! I always wanted to go to SEMA.
Did Jay Leno show up in the Eco-Jet?
cool pic with DK. Im still rocking a D1GP USA license plate frame on my celica! Im glad to here u guys are there and spreading the news bout our cars.
That is just amazing! What an awesome picture that is. Thanks for going there to spread the existance of our cars.
Wow, Dori Dori now has JNC in his home! That’s amazing! 🙂 Keep up the hard work, guys.
Undecided about the shirts for now, but they’d be pretty pricey (about $45)…and I dunno if people would want to pay that much for a polo.
The Ecojet is here, but Jay Leno is nowhere to be found :S
oh man! you met dori-kin! i met him in irwindale but don’t recall him being that short. haha.
Coooooool you met the king eh, great looking show