Man, those guys at Nissan really know how to cut it close. Here are two cars they shipped over from the Zama warehouse in Japan for this Saturday’s JCCS, and they just arrived today.
It took approximately one month for the cars to get packed and shipped by sea from Yokohama to SoCal. As of about 1:30 this afternoon, this is what they looked like.
It’s very uncommon for any of the cars in Nissan’s own collection to leave Japan, so this is a very rare behind-the-scenes glimpse of how these priceless cars are transported. It’s not your typical roll-on, roll-off situation.
Each car is secured with ratcheting tie-down straps on custom-built pallets for the 5,500-mile journey. The 1975 Nissan Bluebird-U still wears its Zama license plate shared by all 400 or so cars of the Zama collection.
Nissan will be bringing these and several more cars to the Japanese Classic Car Show this Saturday. Show of hands, how many of you have seen an actual Nissan R390 GT1 in person? Come this Saturday and you will, and be sure to stop by the JNC booth while you’re there.
So much excite!!!!!
Next thing you’ll be telling us that the infamous Alan T. is being airlifted to JCCS to exterminate outrageous American Datsun & Nissan history myths.
God I hope not!
Great! The last time I was in the Tokyo / Zama / Yokohama area I only had one day available to visit Zama and they were closed that day! I really want to :Tear and compare” my RL411 with the one you drove!
Oh, that must have hurt. And I thought I was bummed to be blocked out of the Peugeot showroom in Paris.
Ohh, painful, I wish that I could be there. That Bluebird is gorgeous!
We’ll take pics!
I see only see the GT1 and things adulterating my view of the GT1.
This is good…buy an extra large SD card for your camera good !!
Nissan is out of touch and it proved it even more so at JCCS. Their display was a joke and the only car worth visiting their tent was the r390. How appealing and attractive is a pantyhose colored 510 and a prosthetic limb colored 411? Out of touch, oversized details, ugly cars being manufactured today. Mazds, Honda & Toyota all displaying interesting historical cars, motorcycles, and new products. I’m a huge Nissan fan, but now they’re on the bottom of my list. Im ot sure if it’s because of Renault, but I’m much more interested in Mazda now.
yeah they need to shako the sharknose!