Matchbox will be giving away some special edition cars at the 2017 Japanese Classic Car Show this Saturday. They’ve provided a sneak peek at the packaging of at least one of them, the 1970 Datsun 510 Rally Car car. This will have different graphics than the mainline release, and if you look closely at the door, you will see a familiar logo.
This is, of course, a homage to the Datsun 510 that won the 1970 Safari Rally. In Japan, this was far more well known of a race car than the BRE 510s, and even inspired a movie. We are flattered to have the JNC inkan on a Matchbox car, our first! These will be raffled at the Nissan booth at JCCS this Saturday. It will be the only place to get them, so please stop by and see our friends at Matchbox and Nissan this Saturday. The JCCS will be held at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California. See you there!
dayum! i’m coming down for my first JCCS! i’ll def swing by y’all booth (as if i wasn’t gonna anyways. lol) man, my pops finna be so jealous. he can’t make it down and he collects cars too.
Great, see you there!
Hope to get to a JCCS again soon…
Slightly off topic, but there is a Google photo sphere of last year’s show:,-118.1933365,3a,75y,235.58h,63.14t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPaNOl3A-XSSJAB-I6z2oAXV2S01_FS-X6dh-je!2e10!3e11!!7i7200!8i3600
I hope that link works!
Ha, very cool!
Bruhhhhh this is the coolest thing I’ve seen today ♥️