Have a happy Thanksgiving, from all of us at JNC. A big domo arigato gozaimasu for reading, weighing in with your comments, and purchasing items from the shop, as well as for being enthusiasts, caretakers, and drivers of the cars we love. We are truly thankful for your patronage. Be safe this holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving JNC’ers !
Cheers to all the JNC aficionados.
Happy Thanksgiving JNC thumbs up. I hope and pray you all have a happy and a safe Thanksgiving.
A Happy thanksgiving to all, and, Do itashi mashite Ben for doing all you do.
Arigato , Celica regards from The Netherlands !!!
I’m not American, but I’m thankful for this amazing website. I love learning new things about cars I’ve never heard of, I love the way you take time to research and get the details right, I love seeing pics of all the cool shows and road trips in Japan. Your passion, informed opinion and accurate facts put the ‘big boys’ in the shade, and I always click the ‘Japanese Nostalgic Car’ link in my bookmarks in happy anticipation.
Doumo Arigatou!