Happy New Year from JNC

The Japanese tradition for New Year’s is getting up early to watch the hatsuhinode, or first sunrise. By watching the inaugural dawn you’ll be starting the year off right. The preferred viewing spot is usually somewhere that requires a bit of travel to get to, such as at a shrine, atop of a winding mountain road, or on an east-facing shoreline. Some even catch a flight to see it from the sky. It takes a bit of effort, but that’s the point. Here’s to a wonderful 2024. We think it’s a great tradition, especially if it involves a drive. Will you be viewing the hatsuhinode on January 1, 2024? Whether you go for an outing at daybreak or sleep in, thank you for reading, commenting, and being part of the JNC community. 新年おめでとう!

Image: Nissan

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6 Responses to Happy New Year from JNC

  1. Fred Langille says:

    A wonderful 2024 you mean , right? The sentiment is there … Happy New Year to all JNCers!

  2. harshith says:

    happy new year

  3. MikeRL411 says:

    Akimashite omedeto gozaimasu!

  4. Tofu Delivery says:

    Happy new year everyone!

  5. Nigel says:

    Happy New Year to everybody !

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