Happy Halloween from JNC

Have a wonderfully spooky day today, and may our vintage Japanese cars outlast us all. Happy Halloween from JNC!

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1 Response to Happy Halloween from JNC

  1. Kenzo Iida says:

    Dear Dan Hsu,

    I am writing about the whereabout of two Shelby 2000GTs that I saw the garage somewhere near the border of MA and VT in 1991. I would appreciate very much if you reply me in this regards, sure if you have any information.
    I used to work at Chicago as a expat from Japan and it was the very last moment before I was assigned to fill the position at a head quoter in Tokyo. I was called by one guy who told me that he was working restoration job for two Toyota 2000GTs and wanted to sell one of those with two hundred thousand US dollars if I was interested in. So I went to his garage right after the call and found the one that was near completion and rest was just beginning of job. The one closed to completion was bearing #33 on the door trim with mag wheels in stead of wire and paint job of Team Shelby. And as far as I remember, last digit of chassis number was 05.
    I took a more than several shots but all those were lost because of natural disaster unfortunately. Oh by the way, it was not affordable for me as the price was almost double of my annual income.

    Pls tell me whatever you know or have in your hand regarding the garage or owner of garage as well as whereabout of those 2000GTs. Best regards,

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