Grandma Hoon in a Datsun Bluebird

datsungrandmaAustralia’s fastest grandma, Barbara Colllier, age 70, co-pilots a Datsun Bluebird with her grandson John, age 14. He needed a certified passenger to compete at Toowoomba’s Charlton Speedway but his grandfather Jack failed a mandatory medical exam. That’s when Barbara donned a full race suit and helmet to step in. Now she hits the track for four races at every meet. Good on ya, granny!

[Courier Mail]

This post is filed under: datsun, motorsports, nissan.

1 Response to Grandma Hoon in a Datsun Bluebird

  1. Jimbo says:

    Wow! That lady has guts. I would not sit in the passenger seat with a 14 year old boy racer at the wheel. 🙂

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