The 1979 cop show Detective Story was hugely popular, and responsible for launching the career of Yusaku Matsuda. This clip appears to be a parody of the original, as it contains no Matsuda and adds a laugh track instead. Nevertheless, it follows two bumbling thieves and gang of well-armed men after their steel briefcase — like a Japanese prequel to Ronin.
C210 Nissan Skylines are driven hard and destroyed. One is chased down by two Cedrics. Another faces a helicopter and is shot by a magic rocket launcher that turns into a Subaru Leone. Hilarity ensues.
Thats not a parody. THIS is a parody, courtesy of Matsumoto Hitoshi of Downtown.
Ah, the ancient Japanese tradition of blowing up models at the end of the movie.
I like how they made no attempt to make the Leone look like it was blown up. They just cut it in half and drove it!