We’ve been big fans of Josh Clason‘s Depth of Speed videos, and the latest does not disappoint. It’s an interview with Mark Arcenal, founder of the Fatlace, who is fortunate enough to own a KGC10 Nissan Skyline, S14 drift machine, and a VW Bus. Watch the video below.
Depth of Speed Talks Hakosuka with Fatlace Founder Mark Arcenal
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tagged: 240sx, c10, datsun, depth of speed, fatlace, Hakosuka, josh clason, kgc10, mark arcenal, nissan, s14, silvia, skyline.
This post is filed under: nissan and
tagged: 240sx, c10, datsun, depth of speed, fatlace, Hakosuka, josh clason, kgc10, mark arcenal, nissan, s14, silvia, skyline.
Wow, this was amazing. The talk about history, the smell of a classic, and the worry-free freedom of racing. It’s all so true. Makes me want to go take a big whiff of my Rabbit and go race it. Ha.
Nice work, Mark 🙂
very cool!
Dig it! Racing just gets into the blood. Especially racing these super-cool classics!
I met Mark largely by accident when he was renting a warehouse next to mine. He took the time to show me his Hako. He’s a great guy, and it comes across in this video.