Just need them to include an FB and we’re all set, lol
Does FM3 have the Hokosuka skyline? Cause NFSshift does, but that game isn’t as good driving wise.
pffft! that’s how i drive to work every single day in my 86…in my mind as i’m sitting in traffic! hahaha. i’ve played that course and it is seriously super long, i don’t think this vid shows him going even half way through it. awesome vid!
i’ve seen that video that Alan is talking about… Granted that the guy in the ae86 didnt pull off like 40 spins… just one 360 spin…
but i was crackin up at this video… i love video games
Sweet! 🙂
Another reason to buy FM3! 😛
i didn’t know the 510 was available with AWD..
Just need them to include an FB and we’re all set, lol
Does FM3 have the Hokosuka skyline? Cause NFSshift does, but that game isn’t as good driving wise.
I need an edit button, I meant Hakosuka, lol x.x
I bet it wont be long before they are pulling 360 drifts in D1. 0:46 is my fav.
Yeah the Hakosuka is available in FM3. Its an excellent game if you have an Xbox360; are a car guy and don’t own it yet, you are missing out.
pffft! that’s how i drive to work every single day in my 86…in my mind as i’m sitting in traffic! hahaha. i’ve played that course and it is seriously super long, i don’t think this vid shows him going even half way through it. awesome vid!
Lol, jack. I’m the same way, except the Cressy goon is an AT to boot. 🙁
Awesome!!! Someone has waaaaaaay too much free time if they can handle the car like that!
There’s a video of some guy actually doing this stuff in a Hachi notch somewhere in the series of tubes…
Alan – link or it didn’t happen 🙂
I just saw that vid via Autoblog. Amazing. Yet another reason for me to buy an XBox 360.
i’ve seen that video that Alan is talking about… Granted that the guy in the ae86 didnt pull off like 40 spins… just one 360 spin…
but i was crackin up at this video… i love video games
Me no see video.