If you’re a die-hard diecast collector and know where to look, these beans have already been spilled. Otherwise, here’s your first look at the brand new 2012 Hot Wheels Mazda RX-7! We just got these samples fresh off the assembly line and, as always, are extremely proud to have Mattel’s support in the form of the JNC inkan on the B-pillar.
Blue, orange and white is the second color for this casting, succeeding black and gold, and it now rolls on white five-spoke wheels. Big ups to our nostalgic hero, Mattel’s Jun Imai for making this happen. The 1/64-scale SA22 looks fantastic tricked out with an IMSA kit, and looks right at home next to our Hot Wheels hako.
I wish they made an alternate version of the Hakosuka as well
Still trying to find an Rx-7 in black and I am still “Hako-less”.
Found one this weekend at a show in Tucson. Cost me a whole dollar. Still haven’t seen one on the pegs here in Phx though.
Those flares … it’s almost as if they wanted to do the white and green Daytona racers for a future release in the Vintage Racing series, or whatever they’re calling it this week.
Yeah, much like this one…
Thanks Jun from Ratsun!
I still don’t have the Hako, or the Kenmeri… 🙁
got the hako, still looking for the black rx-7, dam another one to find.
you guys doing a blue and orange sticker now?
haha, no blue/orange sticker =P
No mirrors?
Oh, yeah!
I still haven’t found the black one… must have. Blue looks great too!
X3 on the white/green.
they would just get knocked off when you run ’em down the orange track into the side of your cat that for some reason thinks if he sits on the track the car won’t run into them.. repeatedly…
I’ve yet to buy the black one. I already have the hako and the kenmeri. They should make a kenmeri race car with the nissan green and gold signature paint. Also, stop putting the ugly wheels that graced the newer version of the Bluebird and the 370. Those bronze/orange-esque wheels.That was a complete turn off. >_<
That Skyline is what got me collecting again after about 30 years. In just a few months, I have picked up about a hundred cars – mostly Zs and Skylines. As others have mentioned, I have yet to find the elusive black RX-7.
Has anyone found any of these cars in Australia? I still haven’t found any of them.
I haven’t seen any in Oz yet
I wish we could mail order straight from the Hot Wheels site!
those flares! makes me want to put a set on mine!
I found the Hako, the Ken&Mary, the Zed, and the 510… I *must* have at least one of the ReXes…
Got tons of Hakos and Kenmeris, but can’t even find one single RX7… 🙁
Thanks a lot I got the black version, and I was trying to figure out why the B. Ozaki, thanks to your site I got the answer!/
LOL, I’ve got them all, I think, except the black RX-7. The blue one is the first I’ve seen or heard of it. Anyway. I’ve got the 510 in yellow, white. red, and gray, the 240Z in red white and blue “treasure hunt” paint and red “holiday edition” paint, I’ve got three hakos, three Kenmeris and now two RX-7’s And both newer skyline GT-R’s (the R-32 and 34). And a few different R-35 GT-R’s (ick). Not the only ones I’ve bought, but my favorites. Although I did just find an awesome raced-out BMW 2002 that goes pretty well with the others. And I also hate the bronze wheels on the 510 (and I though the old ones were bad!). I bought two and scraped the bronze off of the wheels; it’s an improvement.