Skyline Valentine

kevshako1.jpgSo we have a new member of our extended family to welcome. No, it’s not a wedding or newborn child. Even better. A couple of weeks ago, our mate Kev from grandJDM received a very special Valentine in the form of his newly purchased hakosuka Skyline! In case you didn’t know, Kev and Van have been working with us for the last few months on JNC magazine. Not since the ANZUS Treaty has there been a cross-continent collaboration of this magnitude! Sadly, because Kev’s new baby is literally on the other side of the planet, it’ll be a long time before we can see it in person. At least we can follow his exploits on his blog and he has plenty of time to get it ready for our visit. Congrats, Kev!

This post is filed under: datsun, nissan.

2 Responses to Skyline Valentine

  1. KurumaOtaku says:

    Where is the skyline headed off too?

  2. Jnostalgics says:

    It’s not leaving, it’s arriving!

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