President's Day Miracle: Nissan President Wagon

In celebration of President’s Day here at JNC we thought we’d bring you a photo of the baddest, most mind-numbingly awesomest example of Nissan’s flagship that we could find. That’s right sportsfans, it’s a 250 President wagon.

As if having the top-dog V8 sedan in Nissan’s lineup sedan wasn’t enough, this political leader/yakuza kingpin felt the need to transform it into a spacious yet practical estate. Yes, unfortunately it’s a custom and not a factory body style from Nissan, but that doesn’t stop it from being a total jaw-dropper. Whoever did it has an excellent eye for body lines and did an amazing job incorporating the original C-pillar.

As the resident wagon nut on the JNC staff, my head nearly exploded when I saw it. I think it officially gets a JNC stamp of approval and displaces the hearse we saw a while back as the best President ever. And just to make it harder to claim that this is all a clever photoshop, there’s another pic after the jump.



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9 Responses to President's Day Miracle: Nissan President Wagon

  1. Ed says:

    Wow, that’s a new one on me! Only wagon pic I’ve ever seen before was definately a photochop. Nice to see someone actually went and did it for real. Does that say “sovereign van” under the “president” badge on the right of the tailgate? Looks like a very high quality conversion.

  2. gaijinshogun says:

    I have seen this vehicle in Tokyo! It resides near the Akihibara Station in an open covered stall. Up close, the conversion is not as nice as the pictures suggest….but still cool.

  3. Ben says:

    Aw, that’s kind of disappointing to hear it’s not as clean up close. I’ll have to check it out if I ever see it in person!

  4. koich says:

    It looks like someone took a saw to a Gloria/Cedric van(wagon) and took the roof and everything behind the C pillar. Wish the did a cleaner conversion around the trunk, but that would require a far more significant amount of mods.

  5. J.Ramirez (zetozeto99) says:

    Wowsers! I’d rock it!

  6. Gen Kanai says:

    It’s “Sovereign” as well.

  7. MechSpec says:

    This looks like a car I saw outside Toyota Amlux in Ikebukuro when I was in japan. I’ll have to go back over my pics. hmm….

  8. Ben says:

    “Just a regular President” is still cool!

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