Kidney, Anyone? Mazda T2000 3-Wheeler

mazdat2000This could be the coolest thing we’ve seen on ebay in months. Three-wheelers were the workhorses of choice in 1950s Japan and the Mazda T2000 was king of the road. You aren’t gonna be popular with the ladies in this behemoth – in fact, if there was such a thing as chick repellent a 50-year old mutant tricycle with a nice sheen of rust would surely qualify – but it is so unbelievably rare it makes hakosukas look like Camrys.

Unaccountably, it’s turned up in Guthrie, Oklahoma. Although the BuyItNow pricing of $2500 is not exactly kidney theft territory, the amount of green you’ll be shoveling towards this thing to restore it surely is. Parts will be non-exsistent unless you have some kind Rolodex of phone numbers to slightly crazy 93-year-old farmers in the remotest parts of Japan. Even then, you’ll probably be better off fabricating whatever you need from scratch. But for some nutty Mazdafarian out there, this will be the find of the century. We’ll bet both our kidneys that you’ll be the only one at JCCS with one. Good luck with all that.

Thanks to RX-2Fan for unearthing this fossil.

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9 Responses to Kidney, Anyone? Mazda T2000 3-Wheeler

  1. BuddyJ says:

    That’s like 45 minutes away. Cool deal.

  2. BlownArrow! says:

    Ben, You boys need to save your kidney’s to pay off that Speeding ticket from Toyfest!
    Your gona needum… Remember Cally’s in debt. And Arnolds gona need as many kidney as he can get after this Vote today… šŸ˜›

  3. banpei says:

    I still remember reading one of the Oh My Goddess!/Aa! Megami Sama episodes in which they rally a Mazda T2000. They modified it to become a 3wd and, of course, win the rally because they get some sort of advantage out of that third wheel. šŸ˜‰

    So, who wants to buy my kidney? šŸ˜€

  4. coupeZ600 says:

    Man, $2250 seems like a steal! I would go repel all but the perfect girls in that thing!

  5. gaijinshogun says:

    When you ride the limo bus from Narita Airport to the main Tokyo station (Hakodate), keep your eye out the window and you’ll see some still working!!

  6. Ben says:

    Wow, some lucky (or dismally unfortunate) bidder just bought the thing!

  7. Sr-FairladyZ says:

    Looking at the cabin pictures, I couldn’t imagine farming on a hot humid day in Japan while sitting on that hot seat! A red hot manifold just inches from your boys.

  8. toyotageek says:

    Ben Says:
    “Wow, some lucky (or dismally unfortunate) bidder just bought the thing!”

    You better track him down and do a story on this! ;P

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