Tag Archives: Silver Pigeon
NEWS: NA Mazda Roadster, Mitsubishi Model A inducted into Japan Automotive Hall of Fame
The 2019 inductees for the Japan Automotive Hall of Fame have been announced. The ceremony took place earlier this month, welcoming four historically significant vehicles and three important individuals for their impact and contributions to Japan’s automotive industry.
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Tagged B1500, B360, carol, elf, eunos roadster, isuzu, japan automotive hall of fame, k360, kawasaki, Kawasaki Z1, kei, KZ1300, mazda, miata, mitsubishi, mitsubishi model a, motorcycles, MX5, r360, Silver Pigeon, SR400, t2000, yamaha
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100 YEAR CLUB: Mitsubishi Motors, Part 01
In a year of momentous anniversaries, the biggest one of all was Mitsubishi turning 100 years old. What would become Mitsubishi Motors was established in late 1917, meaning it has just passed the century mark. As the oldest carmaker in Japan, its … Continue reading
Posted in 100 Year Club
Tagged arrow, Colt 1000, Colt 600, delica, dodge colt, galant, Henry J, hillman minx, lancer, lancer celeste, Leo, minica, mitsubishi, mitsubishi 360, Mitsubishi 500, Mitsubishi Jeep, mitsubishi model a, Mizushima, PX-33, scooter, Silent Shaft, Silver Pigeon