Tag Archives: rx-5
Car Surfing on a Mazda Cosmo RX-5
The Jokers were one of Japan’s biggest bosozoku gangs in the ’70s and ’80s. What’s that? The Mazda Cosmo AP looks too close to the pageant winner of Japan’s 1976 Car of the Year? How about one with garuchan headlight covers, … Continue reading
The Mazda Family Tree, 1960-Present
In honor of Mazda’s 90th Anniversary, here’s the complete genealogy of every Mazda from 1960 to present day. Three-wheeled pickups from the early days are absent, but those were commercial vehicles. This family tree contains all the passenger cars, stretching … Continue reading
Nostalgic Japanese Police Cars
Here’s a collection of photos of nostalgic Japanese police cars strung together by an amateur, unidirectional Ken Burns. Some are equipped with high-power engine options and transmission pairings not available on civilian versions of the same model. Sadly, Japanese patrol … Continue reading
Rotary Overload: New Zealand Summerdrags 2010
Listen up, Mazdafarians! If you want to see over 300 pics of vintage kiwi-style rotaries at the recent 2010 Summerdrags, click right here and braap your brains out.
Classic CM: 1977 Mazda Cosmo AP
Don’t you wish car commercials still had a unique jingle for each model? Not only did the 1977 Mazda Cosmo AP (aka Mazda RX-5) have its own signature tune, there was a whole line of fashion accessories, including a belt, … Continue reading
EVENTS: SevenStock XII, Part One
SoCal’s biggest rotary gathering took place on Saturday, at Mazda USA’s Irvine, California headquarters. Dan snapped enough photos that we’re splitting them into MotorMavens-style two-post coverage rather than our old massive image dump format. Let’s get to it, shall we? … Continue reading