Tag Archives: mx36
EVENTS: New Year Meeting 2011 Part 08: Sights & Sounds
We’ve shown you a lot of cars from the 2011 New Year Meeting, but the event is much more than that. It’s a celebration of kyuusha kulture, and as you might expect, there’s all sorts of car-related goodies dotting the … Continue reading
Posted in events
Tagged 09 racing, 2011, 310, 510, bluebird, c10, cosmo ap, cressida, datsun, ebbro, europa, Hakosuka, honda, kgc10, kousoku yuen, kpgc10, lotus, mazda, minicars, mx36, new year meeting, nissan, nostalgic hero, nym, parts, rays, rx-5, skyline, te37v, toyota, volk, z-act, z600
EVENTS: 15th Annual All Toyotafest, Part I
Given the current state of Toyota‘s public image, the 15th Annual All Toyotafest was probably the company’s last safe haven in North America. When one gazes upon the bright colors and sparkling chrome of 35-year-old Celicas and Corollas, it’s hard … Continue reading
Posted in events, toyota
Tagged 18rg, ae82, ae92, baja, bosozoku, celica, century, corolla, corolla fx, cressida, crown, fj40, fj45, fj80, fx16, glanza, hks, ivan stewart, kp61, land cruiser, mango, mx32, mx36, mx73, peanut, pj bonifacio, s30, s40, shakotan, sports 800, starlet, te21, te27, toyopet, toyota, toyotafest, turbo, wagon
Character, I Has It: MX36 Toyota Cressida Wagon
There really isn’t much to say about this MX36 Cressida, except that it is awesome. Slammed on Enkei 92s and rockin’ the original faux wood paneling, it’s loaded with character. [Kyusha Kai]