Tag Archives: hb
Behold the bridge of the USS Mazda Cosmo
This is the interior of a third-generation Mazda Cosmo. The first generation 1967-72 Cosmo Sport had space-age styling on the outside. Then Mazda brought back the Cosmo name in 1975 for the Mazda RX-5, and the only thing spacey about … Continue reading
Mazda Assembly Lines Through the Ages
Straight outta Hiroshima, let’s take a journey through Mazda’s assembly lines over the years. The above is a 1980 plant churning out the SA22C RX-7 Savanna by the boatload.
Posted in mazda
Tagged assembly line, cosmo, familia, hb, k360, mazda, r100, r360, rotary coupe, rx-7, sa22, sa22c, savanna