Tag Archives: guerilla group 8
Friday Video: Guerilla Group 8 Mitsubishi Sigma Clown Car
As we’ve mentioned before, Guerilla Group 8 was Mitsubishi‘s attempt at throwing vehicle sponsorship behind an action cop show to spice up their image (a la Nissan and Seibu Keistasu, Abunai Deka, and many others). Since Mitsubishi was footing the … Continue reading
Friday Video: Sigma Slaughterhouse
Another typical Guerilla Group 8 storyline, in which tons of Mitsubishi Sigmas get led to senseless slaughter before Watari-san saves the day by dispatching nearly all the baddies from a helicopter. Come on Daimon, pass the ball once in a … Continue reading
Friday Video: Mitsubishi Starion vs Toyota Crown
Poor Sgt. Daimon. It seems that no matter what TV series he’s in, he is always called upon to dispatch a ridiculously over-armed bad guy with a single shot worthy of Vasily Zaytsev, after which he must solemnly watch their … Continue reading