Tag Archives: contest
JCCS X Yokohama X Enkei Contest
Have you registered for the Japanese Classic Car Show yet? There’s less than a month till the biggest gathering of nostalgic autos in the US! And this year, the JCCS crew is teaming up with Enkei Wheels and Yokohama Tire to … Continue reading
This week’s contest winning photo proves that the JNC sticker can look just as cool on a modern car as it does on a classic. Submitted by forum member mommabear. To enter our weekly JNC Stamp Contest, enter HERE. Past winners.
Activision Enduro Datsun 280ZX Pace Car Contest
Hey, remember Enduro? Neither do we. But apparently it was the freakin’ Forza Motorsport of 1983, made for the Atari system. There was a contest where you could win a Datsun 280ZX Turbo pace car in the vein of the … Continue reading
This week’s contest winning photo is actually a screenshot from Forza 3 for Xbox 360. If you play the game, you can now get a JNC Stamp Logo sticker for your ride! Goto the storefront and search for “Paul Newman” … Continue reading
As this week’s contest winner, we couldn’t resist choosing this photo. Just look at those cute paws! submitted by forum member e-at_me To enter our weekly JNC Stamp Contest, enter HERE view past winners
The Evolution of the JNC Stamp
With the recent discovery of black market JNC Stamp stickers, a lot of interest was drummed up about the JNC Stamp logo. The most popular question we’ve received is something along the lines of “Why did you change the sticker … Continue reading
JNC Sticker Contest: Post Your Photos
With the release of the Series 3 JNC Stamp sticker and the recent launch of our Facebook Fanpage, we thought now would be a good time to have another contest. All you have to do is take a picture of … Continue reading