JCCS x JNC T-Shirt Contest

Listen up, those of you with torsos. We hereby declare the start of the JCCS x JNC T-shirt contest! This year was the fifth anniversary of the gathering that kick-started the entire nostalgic car movement, and due to high demand all the shirts were sold out at the event.

However, the Japanese Classic Car Show crew has made a limited run of JCCS 2009 T-shirts available for purchase. Cars featured include the Toyota Celica, Datsun 620, Mazda R100 and Honda Civic. Regular price is $15 plus shipping, but they have also generously donated three shirts to JNC readers to be selected at random!

Please send an email to the feedback address at the bottom of the page with “JCCS T-SHIRT CONTEST” in the subject line. The contest will run until 11:59pm Pacific Time December 1, 2009. Gokouun o inorimasu!

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4 Responses to JCCS x JNC T-Shirt Contest

  1. greenmonster80 says:

    JCCS is nice but when will the event be fair and balanced. There must have been 15 different classes for Corollas again this year. They definitely love the Toyotas there. Real nice Nissan and datsun cars gain no attention as it is expected that they be nice.

  2. Azfast1 says:

    Did’nt a Datsun win best of show?

  3. KurumaOtaku says:

    Do you mean “please send AN email to feedback…”?? If so, I’m sendin’ NOW!

  4. Ben says:

    You got that right, KurumaOtaku. Thanks for catching the typo 🙂

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