Category Archives: how to
JNC Tip: Never Pull on Heater Core Hoses
Last month we found ourselves at the boneyard because of a stupid mistake I declined to mention. I guess it’s about time I swallow my pride. See that pipe above? It was once part of the heater core but in … Continue reading
JNC Wagon Breaks Down at Another Junkyard
Our poor little JNC Wagon! It’s like the Giving Tree of cars. It relinquishes every ounce of pull we demand of it and yet we just keep asking and asking for more. It hauls loads of magazines and our booth … Continue reading
JNC Wagon: Tokico Shocks Install
A bone stock 1986 Cressida Wagon is a lanky beast, in desperate need of a slam. We’ve had low-down springs on our JNC Wagon for a while now, but 23-year-old shock absorbers meant we were bobbing like a Halloween apple … Continue reading
JNC Wagon Breaks Down… at a Junkyard
Yesterday we were down at the local pick-a-part scavenging some parts for the JNC Wagon. Nothing major, just some trim and a turn signal lens. It’s supposed to be at the JCCS this Sunday, so it has to look good! … Continue reading
Wheel Restoration Done Right
We know all you nostalgists out there are wheel fiends at heart too. The problems is, if your wheels are as old as your car, it’s probably well worn from decades of abuse as the first line of defense from … Continue reading
BigJohn's Datsun: The Saga Continues
The Pyramids of Giza. The Great Wall of China. These are just some of human civilization’s accomplishments that are nearly as epic as what we’re about to show you. Once in a while, you come across one of those projects … Continue reading
How To Stretch a Tire
So you’re an aspiring bosozoku looking for a that stretched tire look on your old school cruiser. You could go to a tire shop, but they might turn you away or scratch your super rare ultra-deep dish SSRs, and then … Continue reading