Category Archives: Celebrity Nostalgics

A Honda Prelude was Jean-Luc Picard’s Earth transport

When Star Trek: The Next Generation debuted on September 28, 1987 it was clear that this new show would be a departure from the occasionally campy escapades of the original. For one thing, the two-fisted antics from Captain James T. … Continue reading

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Is Kanye West a closet JDM car enthusiast?

Kanye West’s lyrics have not been kind to Japanese cars. Not only are they jammed with references to typical rapper fare like Mercedes-Benzes and Lamborghinis, he often rips on cars like Nissans and Toyotas. But a recent spate of West … Continue reading

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So despite earning $15 million last year for hisĀ Game of Thrones series, author George R.R. Martin drives an FB Mazda RX-7, which Yahoo cyberstalked and found parked outside his Santa Fe, New Mexico house. His personalized license plate has his … Continue reading

Posted on by Dan Hsu | 5 Comments

Adam Carolla Discusses Datsuns, Toyotas and Mazdas

Purists may balk, but like it or not, Top Gear USA is coming. One of the hosts was revealed to be Adam Carolla, a comic who built his career on making jokes about STDs and hosting shows whose main feature … Continue reading

Posted in Celebrity Nostalgics, datsun, JNC Theater, mazda, nissan, toyota | 10 Comments

Captain James "Slow" May, Datsun Owner

Aaaand we’re back, thanks to a new hard drive. We’re still trying to assess the data loss but it’s likely everything since the last backup was destroyed, based on the drive’s horrible scratching noise, which sounded like a school of … Continue reading

Posted in Celebrity Nostalgics, datsun, nissan | 11 Comments