Author Archives: Brendan McAleer
Nissan helps rebuild long-lost Prince 1900 Sprint sports car concept
Sometime in the early 1960s in a small workshop in Turin, two men work at their drafting boards. One is an Italian master, designer of what are considered to be the most beautiful cars ever made. The other is Japanese, … Continue reading
Posted in News
Tagged Franco Scaglione, nissan, prince, skyline, Sprint 1900, Takeshi Inoue
A Honda Prelude was Jean-Luc Picard’s Earth transport
When Star Trek: The Next Generation debuted on September 28, 1987 it was clear that this new show would be a departure from the occasionally campy escapades of the original. For one thing, the two-fisted antics from Captain James T. … Continue reading
Posted in Celebrity Nostalgics
Tagged honda, Patrick Stewart, prelude, Prelude 3g, Star Trek