Win Stuff!

contest-thumb_main.jpg Hey folks, we’s got a prize for you!

That is, if you can correctly navigate your way through our contest before any of your fellow readers—or should I say; opponents! (dun dun dun)!

grandJDM have teamed up with J-style clothing gods Import Bible to give away two tees from their latest range, so if you think you might be likin’ to win some o’ their hot wares, click through to find out how.

We’ve put together a collage made up of JDM cars; some obscure, some very obvious. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to name each of those cars. You don’t have to name them all, but the first two entries to correctly name more cars than everybody else will win themselves an Import Bible t-shirt!


1) You must provide the name of both the manufacturer and the model, but don’t worry, we’re not going to be hardcore about it being 100% exactly right. We will accept either the original Japanese name of the car, or the Western name (i.e. 1: Datsun 240Z or 1: Nissan S30 Fairlady Z).

2) The first two correct entries will win. If, by the closing date, there are no exact winners, the prizes will go to the two who came the closest.

3) The judges decision is final!

4) The contest ends at 12:01am Australian Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday the 3rd of October 2007. That makes it 10:00am on Tuesday the 2nd of October 2007 in New York City. But hey, we’re not gonna kill you if you’re a half hour late!

Send your entries to grandJDM at

Click the image below to get started!


This post is filed under: Businesses.

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