Tag Archives: Tomei Expressway

VIDEO: Why Nissan celebrated the 50th anniversary of the GT-R and Z at a rest stop

This year marks momentous anniversaries for several Japanese institutions. The Nissan Skyline GT-R turned 50 in February, and the Nissan Fairlady Z will celebrate its 50th this fall. To commemorate these events, Nissan held a 50th anniversary celebration not at … Continue reading

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VIDEO: Nissan celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Tomei Expressway

You are probably sick of hearing about Nissan’s many anniversaries this year, but the company is celebrating one more 50-year milestone — that of the Tomei Expressway. The 215-mile highway traces Japan’s southern coast between Tokyo and Nagoya, following a … Continue reading

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NIHON LIFE: Japan proposes changes for easier expressway navigation by foreigners

Japan’s expressways are famously difficult to navigate. Most are named for the far-away places they head to and are difficult for non-native Japanese speakers to remember. That may all change, the Ministry of Transport is proposes an alphanumeric system to help us gaijin not get … Continue reading

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NEWS: Japan raises its national speed limit

Last Thursday, the Japanese government passed a law allowing the raising of the national speed limit for the first time. Ever since the opening of Japan’s first highway, the Meishin Expressway, in 1963 the speed limit has been pegged at 100 kph … Continue reading

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