Lotsa (Mitsubishi) Lambdas

In my never ending effort to source old school Mitsu material for you guys, I came across these random images of Galant Lambdas ready to find new owners.


Unless my mind is playing tricks on me, I believe I see a “Challenger” badge on the fender. If so, then these were meant for the States, or some other export country where the car was badged as such.


In any case, hopefully these get you excited about your Lambda, or perhaps it’s time to start the search for a Lambda to call you own.

This post is filed under: mitsubishi.

8 Responses to Lotsa (Mitsubishi) Lambdas

  1. BlownArrow! says:


  2. gaijinshogun says:

    I remember going to a dealer’s special evening event when they intro’ed these cars. I was too young to have a license, but fanagled a test drive in a 5spd Challenger. I can clearly picture the cool overhead console and adjusting the electric mirrors..first time I’d ever seen that feature in the U.S.!

  3. Ben says:

    Those are some cool archival photos, Matt. All those shiny Mitsus… wonder where they are now…

  4. Sarcasmo says:

    Prolly recycled into a new Ford Focus or other domestic CACA. lol 😀

  5. Ben T says:

    Yeah, wonder where they are… where one thing’s for sure, 3 of them are in my home town… and I got one. Perfectly stock! =)

  6. nlpnt says:

    Those are definitely left-hand-drive wipers, and you can see where the mirrors are supposed to be mounted on the DOORS, so yeah, I’d say they’re US or at least export cars.

  7. BAD-SIG says:

    These cars and their 4 door saloon and wagon versions were very popular in Australia. They have a cult following down-under! Have a look at the website below:


  8. orthopod says:

    i have exactly the same model here in manila and being restored.It will be finished in a month from now.I will post it once its done.

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