KPGC10 Skyline GT-R Replica

C10 replica GT-R

Automotive news site Autoblog have stumbled across an astounding C10 GT-R replica. Considering the prices that the genuine item can fetch these days (anyone else wishing they’d bought one in the 80s/90s and held onto it?), it’s no surprise that people are choosing to go The Way of the Replica so often these days. And when it’s as lovingly done and as true to form as this example, who wouldn’t be happy to take it off his hands for the right price?

There’s some discussion in the Autoblog comments that the seller’s asking too much, but frankly, we think it’s a more than reasonable sale!

Visit Autoblog for more information and photos.

This post is filed under: nissan.

2 Responses to KPGC10 Skyline GT-R Replica

  1. Lachy says:

    This car has been for sale for a fair while now…

    I have a feeling it might not be as it appears in pictures – otherwise it should have sold by now. 15k is cheap.

    Don’t read the comments on Autoblog, I don’t think any of them know what they’re talking about!

  2. prova says:

    Anyone know how to get a hold of the owner of this car?
    I would like to buy it.

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