Japan’s Best Motoring Hot Version do Wangan

Best Motoring Hot Version - Wangan Midnight

Two Wangan Midnight entries in a row? What the hell’s going on? What can we say, the Wangan anime is the flavour of the moment!

Japan’s well known and universally admired video magazine (basically a monthly DVD) Best Motoring have staged a battle between the hero cars of the Wangan Midnight anime, through their Hot Version imprint. We’re yet to view it – though we do have a copy on the way to grandJDM HQ – but we’ve got no doubt it’ll be a brilliant spectacle!

You can check out the website here, and you can try a translated version of it by clicking here. You can also read a little more about Best Motoring International right here.  The website for BMI’s English version can be found here.

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