Hakosuka: rea-dee…..set-tto…..gooooooooo!

220_hakodrag.JPGOk. So it’s blurry. It’s short. It’s on a low res camera phone. But the sound’s good and it’s a street drag race between two Hakosukas from back in the day.

And you don’t see that every day.


Here’s a few little things we found on Youtube Japan:


These vids are also pretty old and date back to 1991 I believe. This S30Z sounds strooooong, 3.1Ls of old school goodness.

…and here’s what it sounds like from inside….phwoar


This post is filed under: nissan.

1 Response to Hakosuka: rea-dee…..set-tto…..gooooooooo!

  1. Van says:

    I just wet my pants o_O

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