Friday Video: Toyota Starlet Driving Lessons

Here is Japanese comedy troupe Katoken in a sketch about driving lessons behind the wheel of a four-door Toyota Starlet. Hilarity and havoc ensue. Surprisingly, there appears to be a Pontiac Fiero GT at one point. It escapes unscathed. However, the same cannot be said for unfortunate JNC reader favorites like the Mitsubishi Sigma and Mazda 626 at the end.

Hat tip to cesariojpn.

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6 Responses to Friday Video: Toyota Starlet Driving Lessons

  1. bert says:

    The library game is hilarious!! I’ve never seen that before. The things the Japanese come up with!

    Was a four door Starlet ever sold in the States?

  2. cesariojpn says:

    Wait, is this the same guys that do the “No Laugh (Location)” and the Crazy Bus challenges?

  3. Ben says:

    cesariojpn: Looks like I was wrong. Downtown does those others while this sketch is by Katoken. But here’s the library sketch anyway, because it’s hilarious!

  4. banpei says:

    Awesome! 🙂
    A bit of a shame of the wreckage, however I’m not sure the Sigma and Capella were harmed that much. It looks like the Capella only suffered from a small impact of the lightweight overhang and a firecracker and as far as I could see the Sigma was unhurt. 😉

  5. Sarcasmo says:

    WTF?? The video isn’t working. 🙁

  6. Ben says:

    Try reloading the page, it worked for me just now.

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