2020 Japanese Classic Car Show, Part 07 — More 90s

Today is the final day of the 2020 JCCS, a virtual show known as World Matsuri Week. Once again it focuses on what many consider the golden age of Japanese cars, the 1990s. Sponsored by Toyota, the episode rounds out the top entries this year. Tomorrow, we will learn which cars are award winners. In the meantime, here is the seventh and final JCCS x JNC trivia question.

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2 Responses to 2020 Japanese Classic Car Show, Part 07 — More 90s

  1. XRaider says:

    There was an error in the video….. One of the cars from the Philippines (My home) calls a Toyota Starlet Glanza V a Nissan!?

  2. F31roger says:

    Wow.. that Hondarod is dope!!!

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